3 Tips To Deal With High Maintenance Girls | Personal Advertising
Sometimes it’s hard to know if online hookups are her thing. There are so many different ways for people to present themselves, that usually it takes going on an actual date to know if she wants to hook up. Well, after using some of the best hookup sites out there I can tell you about 3 tips that will help you determine whether or not she is into having casual sex with you. Even if she is, she might be high maintenance. That’s okay too, because my tips are geared towards toning it down and just getting up to some naughty online activity.
High Maintenance Girls
You know the type of high maintenance girl I’m thinking of. She is probably coming from wealth, and has been spoilt with what she wants out of life. That’s okay, because soon she will want you. Here’s how you get casual sex from a high maintenance girl: make no promises for sex, and always stay mysterious online.
Make No Promises For Sex
Don’t acknowledge any of her demands. That’s how I do it, and it works like a charm. I make no promises for sex, and everyone wins. She might say things to entice you into trying to impress her. That’s the first thing to watch out for. All’s fair in love, but there’s no need to spend more money on her just because she wants to go to a fancy restaurant. Say you can’t go to the pricy places she suggests, and suggest a different place that works better for you. If she likes you then she will agree. I’ve noticed that the more mature ladies on web came sites are most up for getting laid.
Another great way to keep it simple is to get right to the point. If you think she wants to hook up with you off the top, then suggest meeting up right away. That means both of you can make no promises for sex. Anymore time spent chatting might let her into your emotional realm and get you to do stuff you really don’t want to do. That’s a sign of high maintenance – getting you to do things you don’t want to do. So keep it simple and be straightforward.
Online Hookups Are Easy
You probably won’t realize she is high maintenance until you meet up with her. Once at the date, just be sure to make no promises about seeing her again. If it’s just casual sex you want, there are some great hookup sites that you should use instead.
I once lead a girl on by accident, always saying yes to her demands and wishes because I wanted to have sex with her. We went on about 6 dates, and every time we hooked up she got closer and closer to me emotionally. After our sixth date she even told me she loved me. I nearly said it back just to make her happy – but I held my tongue just in time. Gradually I stopped responding to her messages, even though they got angrier and more accusatory. It’s something I learned by experience, so don’t make the same mistake. Even if you are a shy guy you have to be firm when it comes to online dating. If all you want is sex, then no matter how high maintenance she is, and no matter how much you want to please her, you gotta keep it disconnected from the rest of your life.
Always Stay Mysterious Online
This is the real kicker. No phone numbers means you keep her high maintenance out of your life, and keeps you mysterious online and offline. Make is so that you reach to her when you want for casual sex, and see if she responds. Chances are pretty good that she will. She might keep on messaging you online. That’s fine, you can just ignore her by not going on much or just skipping over her messages. It’s much harder to ignore if she is always texting you though, so keep that in mind. I once gave my phone number to a lady who had a real thing for me. We had one great date and I thought that was it, but she kept on getting back in touch with me, even calling my work one day to see if I still worked there. My boss was confused to say the least, but I explained everything and we had a nice laugh about it. If you’re not into risking it with ladies looking for long-term relationships then stick with the hookup sites and keep it cool.
So take close count of my tips, because you are bound to run into a high maintenance girl at some point soon online. Remember to keep your priorities in line and separate her from the rest of your life. I’m sure you have been in relationships where you were giving more than receiving. Don’t let that happen again.